Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Home Improvement

Projects, projects, projects. We are always in the middle of something with this lovely old house. This week has become the install-wood-flooring-in-the-upstairs week. I had my doubts when Jeff told me before we went to bed on Saturday night that he wanted to rip out the carpet the next morning. I was thinking "yea right". We, being the childless folks that we are, had rolled in around 2:15am and I was looking forward to that "no work on Sundays" part of the Sabbath. But I was wrong. And here's the progress.

The bedroom

The hubby hard at work on the hallway.

Annie hates the mess and the noise.
Don't feel sorry for Jeff. He's not doing all of the work. I was on carpet pad staple removing duty the first day. I was excited to help on a task that Jeff had successfully convinced me was very important to the whole process. By the end of the day I painfully learned why he didn't want that job - I had blisters on my fingers. I declared myself out of commission the next 2 days. I was then demoted to water fetching duty. I'm happy to play waitress though because So You Think You Can Dance is on tonight and y'all know that can't be missed.

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