Monday, June 23, 2008

Whirlwind trip

We made a brief trip to the motherland over the weekend for a variety of reasons. Mom and Dad have graciously offered to dogsit for TWO WHOLE WEEKS while we are in Napa. No, we aren't going to be in Napa for 2 weeks but darling Annie will be away at summer camp for that long until we return to Springfield for the Bright's 4th of July extravaganza. We also came down to have a belated birthday party for yours truly (the sun has just about set on my twenties), a belated Father's Day, and to see the newly born and incredibly beautiful Mylie Beth Bright. Here are the highlights of the weekend:
  • Mom continued her streak of always providing a Dairy Queen ice cream cake for my birthday. I think she may be up to year 18 or something.

  • Springfield has also continued its streak of having the most bizarre weather in the continental US. Two hours before the cookout, it hailed so much Dad had to shovel the back deck. By the time he lit the grill, the sun was shining.

  • There were 5 little ones ages 3 and under at the house on Saturday night. It was loud, hilarious, and felt like family.

  • Baby Mylie got confused when Mom was holding her and decided it was time to eat. She went in, tiny little mouth wide open, for Mom's chest.

  • While the boys played hooky and went to the golf course on Sunday, Mom and I went to church with Grandma. I sat downstairs with Grandma & her buddies and listened to a chorus of dying hearing aide batteries through the entire service.

Jeff and Jackson

Big brother Austin

Brooklyn and Daddy (shortly after she demonstrated to me how to breastfeed with her baby that I gave her).

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