Monday, November 3, 2008

I've been tagged

My friend Jen decided to tag me. I'm supposed to tell 7 random things about myself and then tag 7 more people. Unfortunately most people that read my blog do not write blogs of their own so the tagging may end here. So here it goes...

    7. I stopped growing in the 8th grade. Height, hands, feet – still the same as 8th grade. Well, I should clarify - I stopped growing up. I’ve grown out in a few places since I was 13.

    6. Speaking of height, I absolutely loath being short. On a really good day with my very best posture I can squeak up to 5’2”. But who am I kidding. My parents are 5’1” and 5’7”. I didn’t have a chance.

    5. I was my sorority's president my senior year of college. This isn’t really an odd fact but many people think its amusing when I tell them that I was the president of a Delta Delta Delta chapter, which is really only funny to anybody who watched Saturday Night Live in the early 90’s (“Delta Delta Delta…can I help ya, help ya, help ya!”).

    4. Stand up comedians do nothing for me. It’s the whole “I know you are trying to make me laugh” thing. I guess I’m more into unpredictable humor.

    3. My parents are not divorced. This is not an odd fact. What’s odd is that in my circle of nearest and dearest friends, every single one of their parents’ marriages are firmly intact. Hopefully this will carry on through our marriages as well.

    2. From 8th grade through my senior year, I was a cheerleader every year except for one. My sophomore year, the speech and debate coach convinced me to be on the team but that meant I couldn't try out for cheerleading. She thought I would be good at it. I was pretty good, won a few awards, semi-conquered my fear of public speaking. Not a big surprise to anybody – I tried out for cheerleading again my junior year and ditched the debate team.

    1. I was super duper scared to get married. Now I’m super duper scared to be a mom. I have about 7 months to conquer that fear.


Brianne Dobson said...

I loved reading this and it totally cracked me up. I felt the same about being done growing in the 8th grade, except I was the oppposite 5'10 at the age of 13-very traumatizing!

Julie said...

Mel, I too, loved this blog. Ok..I keep up on your blog but maybe I've missed something. What's this about 7 months to conquer your fear? :)