Monday, May 17, 2010

Make your bed

I've been feeling a little out of order lately. Our house looks we are in preparation for a garage sale at all times. We aren't. We don't even have a garage, to speak of. Over the last 3 months we've traveled, dealt with colds and stomach bugs, had parties, went to parties and celebrated two big birthdays in Springfield when Dad turned 60 and Grandma turned 91. I've started P90X over 3 times. I'm on the 4th week and this is the longest stretch that I've done it by. the. book.

Here's when I knew that I'd gone a little off the rails - I was sick on Mother's Day, my very first Mother's Day, so Jeff and Cal went out to the in-laws for dinner. I was on antibiotics, snotty and coughing, all by myself. Yet, I was totally blissed out on the couch and as peaceful as I had felt in a while. I watched a movie with dialog that was so great, I kept rewinding certain parts and it ended up taking me almost 3 hours to watch a 2 hour movie. I NEVER GET TO DO THAT. I think that I needed this gift for my first Mother's Day to get my mind right. I made a mental list of ways that I know will start my days calmer and allow me to exhale slower when I finally crash into bed. The first on my list is to start making our bed every single morning. I could never figure out why our bedroom always reminded me of a college dorm until I started taking the time to make our bed. I'm already breathing a little easier.

1 comment:

jilli said...

if you come up with more of those ideas...please keep posting. much to my husband's disdain, I'm an avid bed-maker. i feel like i'm leaving the house naked if i don't make it. but anyway, i've also felt completely felt off kilter i'm running in circles and never have enough time. even catching up on blogs tonight is making me feel 10x the guilt about all the things going undone around the house tonight. ugh.